Thesis defence by Jelena Luyts (Geography)

  • When Oct 08, 2024 from 04:00 PM to 07:00 PM (Europe/Brussels / UTC200)
  • Where PA11
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Title: Exploring temporal trajectories in daily life adaptation to environmental change in rural Senegal.

Recent attention to environmental change has highlighted its impact on rural communities, particularly in Africa, where household-level adaptations play a crucial role in larger societal responses. Current research often overlooks these small-scale, everyday adaptations and how they evolve over time, limiting our understanding of rural communities' dynamic responses to environmental changes. This study focused on households living in rural West Africa, more specifically in the region of Saint-Louis in Senegal. To capture the complexity of the household adaptation journeys, the structured timeline mapping methodology was developed, which consists of completing timelines during interviews. Timelines were collected from 39 individuals in 17 households to explore how families perceive and adapt to environmental shifts. In addition, this research reflected on the added value and necessity of interviewing multiple household members to capture diverse lived experiences and ensure a comprehensive household-level perspective.

Analysis of the data categorized the adaptation journeys into four typological groups reflecting different sensitivities and adaptive capacities: (1) diversified adjusters, (2) system maintainers, (3) environmental independence strivers, and (4) opportunity-driven adapters. All groups have differentiated responses to similar environmental changes, with differences in the temporality of the response, differences in the types of adaptations, and differences in the amount and diversity of adaptations. These differences result in resilience that evolves unevenly over time. Understanding these varied adaptation pathways lead to formulate policy recommendations aimed at improving adaptive capacity, resilience, and sustainable livelihoods.

Jelena will present the results of her PhD thesis, conducted in the Department of Geography under the supervision of Sabine Henry and Florence De Longueville.

The presentation will be in French but with slides in English!

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