Projects in Cooperation with the Global South

The impact of migration on the food security and nutrition status of households remaining in the area of departure: the case of the northern region of Benin - F. De Longueville

ARES-CCD mobility thesis (Yélian Sabé MIGAN) (2024-2028)

Unlocking geosocial media data for mapping social vulnerabilities to climate risks - S. Henry

ARES-CCD mobility thesis (Anna Amalia BRILLANTE VIBAR) (2024-2028)

Towards a watershed community in Bujumbura: participatory and interdisciplinary action research on resilience strategies in the face of so-called natural disasters - S. Dujardin

The main objective is to provide an inter-disciplinary analysis (socio-anthropology + geography + architecture and urbanism) and experiment resilience strategies from a co-creation perspective. (2024-2029) link

DIVERSAQUA: Diversification of farmed fishes in the Mekong Delta through the selection of new euryhaline fish candidates - a multidisciplinary approach for a sustainable aquaculture - P. Kestemont

The overall objective of this project is to contribute to the sustainability of the fish sector in Vietnam through a better adaptation of fish farming. LINK (2023-2028)

Earthquake Hazard and Vulnerability Assessment – Developing Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Risk Reduction and Communication in Haiti - S. Henry

The essential goal to be achieved within this project is to contribute to local capacity building in the field of total seismic risk assessment and reduction in Haiti through a combined analysis of related hazards and vulnerability. (2019-2024) link

BIMWAM (Building up an Integrated Methodology for Water resources Assessment and Management in urban coastal areas) - V. Hallet

In the Philippines, coastal areas are prone to severe anthropogenic pressures in terms of rapid and uncontrolled urbanization. In such context, supplying safe drinking water to the local population is a challenge. The BIMWAM team develops and tests the several innovative methodologies to manage the water resources efficiently. (2018-2022) link

WAVU: Education à l'histoire de l'environnement au Kivu. Didactique et sensibilisation - I. Parmentier

en partenariat avec AfricaMuseum, UCLouvain, ISP Bukavu, ISDR Bukavu, Ministère de l’enseignement RDC. (2017-2022)

Migration suite à un typhon aux philippines: enrichir la mesure de l'utilité d'un lieu par les émotions - E. Henriet & S. Henry

The objective of my thesis is to open new paths for the integration of socio-psychological factors into migration-environment research. (2015-2020) link

Evaluation des ressources en eaux souterraines et des risques d'intrusion d'eau salée en milieu littoral - V. Hallet

PhD thesis, Mindanao Island – Philippines (2018-2020)

Application of Structural Equation Modelling for analysing impacts of environmental factors on migration in Burkina Faso - S. Henry & F. de Longeville

The decision to migrate depends more on personal characteristics than on environmental changes in a community. When environmental situation degrades, direct effects cause people to stay while indirect effects provoke people to undertake short-term migration. (2015-2017)

Exploring different ways to measure " the environment " for a better qualification and quantification of its impacts on human migration. A case study in the Philippines - S. Henry

PhD Project (2015-2020)

Natural bio-active plant products for environmental friendly aquaculture production in the Mekong Delta - P. Kestemont

In this project, chemical and biological technologies will help to develop effective methods for extraction, characterization, bioactivity evaluation and formulation of high-value natural derived materials for aquaculture production at affordable prices for farmers, the specific objective being to provide to key stakeholders a list of useful plant extracts with related recommendations as a feasible alternative to the overuse of chemicals in Vietnamese aquaculture. (2015-2020) link

Aqua Tox-Bénin - P. Kestemont

Influence of agrochemical practices in the cotton production on the fish industry and hygienic quality of fish grown in water reservoirs of North Benin. (2013-2018) Read more, Resumée closing workshop OR visit the website

DISASTERS: Local Adaptation, Resilience & Interpretation of socio-natural hazards, and environment management in the Philippines - I. Parmentier

(2014-2019) Read more