Projects in Cooperation with the Global South
The impact of migration on the food security and nutrition status of households remaining in the area of departure: the case of the northern region of Benin - F. De Longueville
ARES-CCD mobility thesis (Yélian Sabé MIGAN) (2024-2028)
Unlocking geosocial media data for mapping social vulnerabilities to climate risks - S. Henry
ARES-CCD mobility thesis (Anna Amalia BRILLANTE VIBAR) (2024-2028)
Towards a watershed community in Bujumbura: participatory and interdisciplinary action research on resilience strategies in the face of so-called natural disasters - S. Dujardin

DIVERSAQUA: Diversification of farmed fishes in the Mekong Delta through the selection of new euryhaline fish candidates - a multidisciplinary approach for a sustainable aquaculture - P. Kestemont
The overall objective of this project is to contribute to the sustainability of the fish sector in Vietnam through a better
adaptation of fish farming. LINK (2023-2028)

Earthquake Hazard and Vulnerability Assessment – Developing Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Risk Reduction and Communication in Haiti - S. Henry

V. Hallet

WAVU: Education à l'histoire de l'environnement au Kivu. Didactique et sensibilisation - I. Parmentier
en partenariat avec AfricaMuseum, UCLouvain, ISP Bukavu, ISDR Bukavu, Ministère de l’enseignement RDC. (2017-2022)

Migration suite à un typhon aux philippines: enrichir la mesure de l'utilité d'un lieu par les émotions - E. Henriet & S. Henry
The objective of my thesis is to open new paths for the integration of socio-psychological factors into migration-environment research. (2015-2020) link
Evaluation des ressources en eaux souterraines et des risques d'intrusion d'eau salée en milieu littoral - V. Hallet
PhD thesis, Mindanao Island – Philippines (2018-2020)

Application of Structural Equation Modelling for analysing impacts of environmental factors on migration in Burkina Faso - S. Henry & F. de Longeville

Exploring different ways to measure " the environment " for a better qualification and quantification of its impacts on human migration. A case study in the Philippines - S. Henry
PhD Project (2015-2020)
Natural bio-active plant products for environmental friendly aquaculture production in the Mekong Delta - P. Kestemont

Aqua Tox-Bénin - P. Kestemont

DISASTERS: Local Adaptation, Resilience & Interpretation of socio-natural hazards, and environment management in the Philippines - I. Parmentier
(2014-2019) Read more