Thesis defence by Alan Cotton

  • When Jan 28, 2022 from 03:00 PM to 06:00 PM (Europe/Brussels / UTC100)
  • Where UNamur, S01
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Title: Caractérisation hydrodynamique et hydrochimique d’un aquifère isolé au sein des calcaires récifaux du Frasnien


South of the Synclinorium of Dinant, the Frasnian limestone reef consists of two superimposed bioherms separated by stratified clayey limestone deposits. These are surrounded by clay formations and thus, form isolated aquifers whose extension is limited to a few km2. Nevertheless, their location can be strategic for the local drinking water supply. The Boverie site in Rochefort is widely accessible and instrumented. Here, a detailed geological and hydrogeological study could be carried out, which included the precise description of the formations, their geochemistry, water-rock interactions, the hydrodynamics of the aquifer and the hydrochemistry of its groundwater. The thorough analysis of all the data, including a long-term pumping test, resulted in a precise conceptual model of the functioning of this isolated aquifer.
More information in French


Alan will present the results of his PhD thesis, conducted in the Department of Geology under the supervision of Vincent Hallet.