ILEE Travel grant - permanent call

A funding opportunity for ILEE members.

Terms & Conditions

Last update: 02.07.2024

With this funding programme, ILEE offers its members the opportunity to participate at a scientific congress or conference to present their work with a talk or poster. Also other stays abroad, e.g. visits to foreign laboratories or fieldwork can be financed at the condition that the candidate gives a presentation in front of a larger audience at the targeted research institution or collaboration partner (e.g. during a seminar). This presentation can be virtual of course and can take place at a later date. Further, a talk during a future ILEE Lunch seminar / at the ILEE Research Day is mandatory. PLEASE apply at least 2 weeks BEFORE your trip.

Budget allows the financing of up to 8 grants per year.

  • PhD students can apply maximum two times during the duration of their thesis.
  • PostDocs can apply maximum two times during a period of 4 years.
  • One grant per researcher per year

The grant can cover 3 types of costs:

  • Registration fees
  • Travel expenses
  • Accommodation
  • NO meals
  • ONLY for the person who applies (if accommodation is shared for example)

Funding is limited to 500 €.

  • Be member of ILEE at the moment of the (congress) trip. (Members affiliated to ILEE at 50% will be granted 50% of the amount.)
  • In case you attend a conference: Be first author of an accepted oral or poster presentation (it is possible to apply before acceptance is confirmed)
  • The proposed presentation has to concern research conducted within ILEE, corresponding to its objectives
  • Requests will only be considered provided that other funding possibilities have been applied for or are not applicable (please provide an explanation)
Applications must include:
  • A completed application form (find it here - Please also send a .doc-version)
  • In case of a conference visit: The abstract of the oral/poster presentation
  • If applicable: The email/document proving that your abstract has been accepted (can be handed in later) OR the email from a contact person at the foreign research institution that your stay including a presentation is scheduled
  • Information on other funding possibilities (copy of the email, etc.)

Applicants are asked to mention their affiliation to ILEE on all communication media (abstract, address, poster, slides; get the logo here). A short description of your mission abroad including a photograph will be asked for the newsletter of ILEE. It is mandatory that the candidate will present his/her findings later during an ILEE Lunch Seminar or at the ILEE Research Day.

All applications need to be submitted to at minimum two weeks BEFORE departure.

Find here the application form


Look for other funding options for your travel:

Appels en cours (search for "mobilité")


Staff mobility @ UNamur

European funding possibilities

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