Evolution, Adaptation and Biodiversity

Since four billion years, life on earth has been evolving and changing in response to environmental changes.
Species arise, disappear, expand and adapt - it is a ongoing arms’ race with fluctuating biological diversity.

Today, environmental change is often driven by human activities such as pollution, nutrient enrichment, climate change or habitat modifications. Organisms need to cope with new conditions, acclimate and adapt, with consequences for community composition and biodiversity as well as ecosystem functioning at different spatial scales.

At ILEE, we combine ecological theory with models, field data and experimental setups to address these questions. We also focus on a mechanistic understanding of biological processes using physiological, behavioural, proteomic and epigenetic indicators. Evolutionary processes, sexual and asexual reproduction are investigated at population level (experimental and natural ones).
Environmental DNA is an innovative tool to monitor biodiversity or analyse the distribution of a virus in the population. e-biom is a spin-off at the service of biological monitoring.

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